1930 Southern Arizona Daily Rambles Hotel Greeter’s Guide.
First of all, this guide features some of Tucson’s prominent businesses of the time. Additionally, this publication mainly has advertisements for tourist type businesses. Also, in this guide are also many Ranches, Hotels, Banks, Service Stations, Entertainment Businesses, and even Mini Golf!
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First of all, here is a 1930 Southern Arizona Daily Rambles includes: Where to Go, What to See, and How to Get There.Secondly, here is Circle Z Ranch of Patagonia, Hartley’s Cleaning Works, and Arizona Mortuary (Phone 7). Thirdly, here is Hotel Arizona, Vasary Rubber Co., and Russell Electric and Machine Company. Fourthly, here is Arizona Fish and Game Guild, Cummings Indian Art Wares, and Arizona Southwest BankFifthly, here is the famous Santa Rita Hotel, Tom Thumb Miniature Golf Course, Winston Reynolds Service Station, and Parker-Grimshaw Morticians (Phone 5). In particular, here is Andy’s Golf Shop, Oldsmobile, Petty Drug Co, Subway Cleaning Service, Triplett Bros. Construction Co. , and Tucson Marble and Granite Co. In addition, here is the Opera House, Fox West Coast Theatres, and Temple of Music and Art.Not to mention, here is the Pioneer Taxi, Roberts Garage Storage, The Co-ed Shop, The Garden School, and Arizona Ice & Cold Storage Co.Likewise, here is Artesiano Drinking Water, Official Brake Station, Coronado Hotel, The Garden Flower Shop, Chiropodists Feet Specialists. Moreover, here is Varsity Cleaners, Tucson Auto Works, Rancho Palos Verdes Estates, and Arizona Hut, Inc. By the same token, here is Brings Ambulance, Tyson Music Co., N. Porter Saddle & Harness Co., and Tanque Verde RanchSimilarly, here is the Two Bar and the U Triangle Ranch, Hacienda Los Encinos, Triangle T Ranch, Silver Bell Guest Ranch, and Rancho Linda Vista. In like manner, is the Flying V Ranch, El Presidio HotelComparatively, there is the Indian Trading Post and Drs. Schell & Schell. Also, here are the Sunshine Schools, Sunbeam Garage, Old Pueblo Sanatorium, Fairview Sanatorium, and Catalina Vista Rancho. University Beauty Shop, Green Lantern Confectionery, and The University Drug Co. As a matter of fact, here are the City Dry Cleaners, Priser’s Typewriter and Office supply, Linger Longer Tourist Court, Congress Auto Supply, Hardy’s Shoe Store, Kings Cafeteria. Also, here are advertisers Frozen Pure Ice Cream, Nu-Way Cleaners, Andrew Roos Shoemaker, White House Cafe, Tucson Photo-Engraving Corporation. Of course, here is The Original Mexican Restaurant, The Temple Hat Shoppe. Finally, here is Cavern Cafe, Bowman Hotel, Levy’s Border Cafe, Banco De Mexico